Place My Past

I’ve been working on a project this year which is a little bit different to the normal educational apps that I have been focusing on. This new project is nearly ready for everyone to use.

Let me introduce Place My Past:

Place My Past combines mapping, social history and social networking to provide a new way for family historians to tap into a wealth of personal and contextual information about their ancestors.

I’m very happy with a number of features of this product, particularly the ability for users to upload historical maps and geo-reference them to end up with a new map layer that a user can pan and zoom around. It really helps to bring a family tree to life.

From a technologist point of view this project is full of great things, it needs to scale both in terms of the UI (up to millions of points) and on the backend with the requirement of users to be able to import family trees and geocode them.

I’m really happy with how this has turned out, it’s really going to help setup a great 2014.

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