Backchannel Chat – Android

I have been busy building new mobile apps for Backchannel Chat, the first of which is for Android.

This is a complete re-write of the Backchannel Chat app. Previous versions used a HTML bridge to push events into the application from an embedded web view. This version communicates directly to the server without any embedded middleware.

The app was built using Xamarin Forms, I made use of this so that I could get both platforms for roughly the same effort. iOS and Android did require some platform specific renderers and services, but the Forms echo-system is growing at such a rate that finding pre-built controls and services is becoming easier.

Overall I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

The app can be downloaded for free:

Visual Refresh

I was really happy with the visual refresh that I did with Student Stock Trader recently, I decided it was time to update the Teacher Word Games that I put together last year.

I didn’t change any of the functionality, you can see build your own word lists with Teacher Word Games and build PDF Bingo Cards or Word Searches. You also get a game code that can be used with Student Word Games so that students can play these word searches or bingo on their devices without the need for any paper.

The Teacher Word Games refresh:

The Student Word Games refresh:

Both apps are free, so download now and play with your class.

Student Stock Trader iOS Update

I’ve recently updated our iOS Student Stock Trader app to have a nice fresh flat look and feel.

The app also has a number of requested features such as the ability to remember your last played games. This makes it easier to jump back into any games that you have recently played without having to lookup your unique game code.


I’m pretty happy with the way it has turned out.

Tax Depreciation Helper

Recently I’ve been watching my accountant wife work out depreciation for various assets. The process is pretty old fashioned, she would need to look up the asset in a big printed book (or online PDF form) and then do some calculations to work out the prime value or the diminishing value of the asset. The tables are broken up into categories, so if you know the particular category name you can then navigate to the asset. But if you don’t know the category then you end up doing quite a bit of searching.

The ideal process would be to search for the asset on your phone and then even do the calculation once you’ve found the asset. So I took the ATO document and parsed out all the relevant information. It’s possible to work out the prime and diminishing values from the effective life of the asset. Then I moved all of this data into a nice little SQL Lite database and built some features over the top of it such as browsing history and favorites. The ATO also provide a simple calculator that builds up a depreciation report, so I’ve also added the ability to generate a report similar to this, which also supports exporting as a PDF.

The Australian Tax Depreciation Helper is now available in the app store. Hopefully it saves accountants some time in looking up the depreciation rates of assets.

Fold That Story–iOS

Late last year I released Fold That Story to the Edmodo app store as a web application. Then earlier this year I made it more broadly available as a web application that was open to anyone. I’ve now released the iOS version that allows teachers and students to play using mobile devices.

Fold That Story is a creative writing game where students and teachers write a story one section at a time. The catch is that students can only read the last section. This means that a story can evolve and take a number of plot twists as the story progresses. The app focuses on teacher controls such as:

  • The ability for a teacher to change the display name of a student.
  • Teachers can view and edit a section at any time.
  • A profanity filter removes any nasty words.
  • Students can be made read only and controlled by the teacher.

The app can be downloaded from the App Store.

Pay With Pin – Android

I wanted to experience porting over a Xamarin iOS app to Android and decided that my Pay With Pin app was a good candidate. The app is pretty straight forward, it has a number of tabs that display information, a couple of forms for user input and a fair bit of common code that works with the Pin API.

I was able to reuse almost 100% of the common code that works with the Pin API, it’s really impressive. Then binding data to the UI and building the UI was pretty straight forward. I still think that iOS development is easier, the process is more refined and requires less effort. I think the end result on iOS is better.

A few screenshots of the app:

Pay With Pin - screenshotpic2

Pay With Pin lets you create and charge customers, view charges and process new charges. You could easily use it at to run a market stall on the weekend or something like that.

It can be downloaded on Google Play here.

April Fool

Last week was Aprils fools day, which means that for the days before and after you tend to be especially skeptical about the things you read on the web. So when I read that Redis had added one of my favorite algorithms the HyperLogLog I was in two minds as to whether this was real or not. The detailed analysis that Salvatore put together was very convincing but the date of the post was really off-putting.

If you haven’t heard of HyperLogLog before, it’s a method to work out the cardinality of some measure. Which in non-set based terms means, being able to efficiently count the number of unique items. One of the best implementations I’ve seen is the HyperLogLog Postgresql extension. This lets you define a new native data type. To use it you must use the various hash methods when inserting data, this is a required part of the HyperLogLog algorithm. The examples used in the page of the Github repo shows the real power of the extension.

Consider a data warehouse that stores analytic data;

-- Create the destination table
CREATE TABLE daily_uniques (
    date            date UNIQUE,
    users           hll

-- Fill it with the aggregated unique statistics
INSERT INTO daily_uniques(date, users)
    SELECT date, hll_add_agg(hll_hash_integer(user_id))
    FROM facts
    GROUP BY 1;

Imagine that we have inserted a number of items into this table from some fact table. We can then query the table:

SELECT date, hll_cardinality(users) FROM daily_uniques;

Now the queries will look like:

SELECT hll_cardinality(hll_union_agg(users)) FROM daily_uniques WHERE date >= '2012-01-02'::date AND date <= '2012-01-08'::date;


SELECT date, #hll_union_agg(users) OVER seven_days
FROM daily_uniques

Remember as well that the amount of storage space used here is absolutely minimal, Often in the order of bytes.

So as you can see HyperLogLog is really cool and it’s a great credit to the team behind Redis for bringing this into the product. Even if they do publish the announcement on April Fools day Smile

Redis is a fantastic tool, it is so much more than just a memcache replacement, I like to think of it as Comp Sci in a box. It has all of the goodies: Lists with set based operations, sliding caches, queues, single threaded event based goodness. It’s a very exciting tool and I’m very glad to see it evolve.