Monthly Archives: August 2013

Student Stock Trader


Student Stock Trader is another application that I’ve built recently that started life as an Edmodo Educational App and has now made the transition to being available to everyone.

Student Stock Trader is a stock market simulator that teachers can use to help introduce students to the stock market. It’s main aim is to provide teachers with an engaging tool that supports the classroom activities.

Teachers can use Student Stock Trader via Join Codes which lets the students join the game without being required to create accounts with passwords. This easy approach to account management has worked well with Backchannel Chat.

There is a mobile component to Student Stock Trader as well, this application lets the user manage their virtual portfolio as well as viewing the game leaderboard.

iOS Simulator Screen shot 04.08.2013 1.54.30 PMiOS Simulator Screen shot 04.08.2013 1.54.59 PMiOS Simulator Screen shot 04.08.2013 1.55.22 PM

Students can use the mobile application to make trades outside of the classroom while on the go.

The mobile application also supports push notifications, each day after the market closes a message will be sent to the device informing the user on how their portfolio is progressing.

Even if your not a teacher and just want to see how good your stock picks are, Student Stock Trader can be pretty fun to use. While testing it over the last couple of months we’ve had a few family games going, it’s been fun to compete with the kids and watching them learn a bit about how the stock market works.